The Suicide of Dorothy Hale – (Frida Kahlo) Předchozí Další


Styl: Surrealism

Témata: Birth And Death

Datum: 1938

Velikost: 60 x 49 cm

Muzeum: Phoenix Art Museum (United States)

Technika: Oil

This is one of Frida's most shocking and controversial paintings. Frida painted it in the style of an "ex-voto (retablo)". The unfortunate victim in this painting is Dorothy Hale, actress and Ziegfeld showgirl. Hale's life suddenly took a turn for the worse when her husband was killed in an automobile accident. Her Hollywood career was failing, she was in severe financial trouble, and, in the end was living on charity from friends. On October 21 of 1938, wearing her favorite black dress and a corsage of small yellow roses, she jumped to her death from the top window of her luxury high-rise apartment suite.


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